Friday, December 4, 2009


Kickin up the heartrate today after an extended bout of tendinitis:

I came late to REM, but this is the song that brought me there. Once I heard Michael Stipes' swampy baritone layered with horns, the howls, the whines, the groans in all its glory of barely managed chaos and logic, I knew I was hooked. I prepared for an immediate move to Athens, Georgia. As great as the music scene was in Seattle in the late 80s, here we were with a new baby, preparing to move east in one last bird-flip to impending adulthood, er middle age.

Except we only got as far as Bellevue. Oops. But we immersed ourselves in the sounds of Pylon, Love Tractor, B-52s and REM, Flat Duo Jets in an effort to create an Athens of our own. Good times.